Saturday, March 8, 2008

What's a Nurdle??

I'm starting a new feature - Every Saturday I will blog about something GREEN!! This week (today) I learned about nurdles. Nurdles are the raw plastic that is shipped to manufacturers of bottles, car parts, toys, plastic bags, anything made of plastic. They absorb a very large volume of toxins and are extremely dangerous to sea life. Check out these resources and learn more about them!
Green Museum
Ecology Center
What's a Nurdle - Greenpeace

For my Cali friends, please check out "Heal The Bay" for an overview of the Pacific Protection Initiative!

Have a green weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Hi there!! I love your blog... your baby is just so adorable!! Link me to your blog, i'll do the same for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Lol! Maybe you should re-new your vows! :)

Callooh Callay said...

I love the word nurdle--probably thought up by some marketer to make it sound cute, camouflage its toxicity.

It's a great idea to do a green blog weekly! So...I'm tagging you, if you want to play (details on my blog).

Tag, you're it.
